April 28, 2020

Good morning Greenville Middle School! 

Please remember that you all are expected to participate in your learning each day. The learning opportunities the teachers are providing you do allow you to work at your own pace and absorb the content. 

Remember that during distance learning we are not using numerical grades. Instead, you will receive one of three options: Evidence of Learning (COMPLETE), Working Towards (WORKING), and Not Yet Learned (INCOMPLETE). 

My challenge still stands and that is for you to receive a COMPLETE for all your assignments. In order to meet this challenge, it is important for you to make sure if you have questions to attend your teacher’s office hours or reach out to them with an email.  

Have a great day!  

Mr. Reeve

Morning Message:


As a student, you have many responsibilities. You are responsible for your books and papers, for completing your homework assignments, and for studying for exams [tests]. 

As a member of our school community, you also have responsibilities. You are responsible for the way you treat yourself and others; you are responsible for the choices you make and the actions you take. From the time she was quite young, television talk-show host Oprah Winfrey knew what it meant to be responsible. Now listen to her words:

I don't think of myself as a poor, deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good. 

Today, remember this: Regardless of the circumstances you were born into, you can choose to do your best to determine the outcome of your life.

With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!

 Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®