Guidance - 966-5070 ext. 453
Counselors are available to give assistance to students regarding school and personal problems. The guidance staff provides students with educational and occupational information and assists students in interpreting and recognizing their abilities, interest and needs while in school. Another role of our Counselors is to increase communication between home and school. Although regularly scheduled conferences are held throughout the school year, students are invited to visit the guidance office whenever a question or problem arises.
It is recommended that students visit the guidance office during their study hall and/or lunch periods. If it is necessary to leave an academic subject class or study hall a pass signed by the teacher in charge is required.
Counselors are readily available to assist students with:
Personal problems
choice of courses
choice of future occupations
selection of extracurricular programs
poor school achievement.
Each student develops a four-year high school plan with his/her counselor at the end of the eighth grade. This plan is revised yearly in accordance with the student's expectations and career goals. Parents are included in this plan and any subsequent revisions.
Schedule changes or a request to drop a course made after the first two weeks of school will not be permitted. A conference with teachers, guidance counselors and principal will be required in considering any course changes.
Parents are encouraged to call Michelle Fisher, the Middle School Guidance Counselor, to discuss the educational program or emotional health of their child. Appointments can be made by calling the guidance office, at 966-5190 ext 453.
The Greenville Central School awards an Honor Letter on the basis of points accumulated in various types of school activities. Students in grades six, seven and eight who are willing to work hard and put forth the extra effort may earn their Junior ‘g’.
The regulations governing these awards are as follows:
The number of points which must be earned before an award may be approved is 27.
If a student has earned the required 27 points and satisfactorily meets all the other requirements, the student may receive an award at the end of the seventh grade. If a student is unable to earn the necessary 27 points, the points earned during seventh grade will be carried over into eight grade.
An individual pupil record of points earned shall be in the possession of the Middle School Advisor. Students are encouraged to review their records.
If a pupil earns a letter and permits any person, other than himself or herself to display it in any manner, it is to be forfeited.
All points, except those for scholarship, shall be awarded only on the recommendation of the teacher in charge of the activity.
All points granted by teachers shall be reviewed, approved and certified by the Middle School Principal.
Listed below are some of the Greenville Middle School activities in which you can participate:
Modified Track
Modified Soccer
Modified Baseball/Softball
All County
Junior FFA
Honor/Merit Roll
Modified Golf
Modified Cross Country
Modified Basketball
Middle School Student Council
National Junior Honor Society
Middle School Yearbook