April 17, 2020

Good morning Greenville Middle School!  

Happy Friday!  

So picture this!  You are walking down the hallway and the 3 Bs are staring at you from the ceiling (I thought the visual below might help).  You start to think about what you do each day that fits into one of the 3 Bs and you say to yourself, “I would like to share what good things I do each day!”  Well, you are in luck!

Today, we would like you to continue practicing the 3 Bs (Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be the Best You Can Be) while you are doing your remote learning. We are asking you to pick one of the 3 Bs and let us know what great thing you did!

Please click on the following Google Form link                to tell us what great thing you did at some point today. In the form, we have provided some examples of what the 3 Bs could look like during remote learning.  We can’t wait to hear what great things you are doing to represent the 3Bs!!

Have a great weekend!  

Mr. Reeve

Morning Message:

KINDNESS - Encouraging Others

Kindness takes many forms. It can be a word of encouragement for someone who is feeling down or helping someone in need in our community or sending a card to a soldier overseas. 

In the words of the great Roman philosopher, Seneca: 

Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness. 

Look for an opportunity to show kindness every day. Remember that many people are dealing with problems that you might not know about. Strive to be considerate and respectful to everyone. A simple smile or greeting might be just what a fellow student, teacher, or neighbor needs to brighten their day. 

Today, find a way to commit a random act of kindness, even in a small way. 

With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!

 Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®