April 15, 2020
Good morning Greenville Middle School!
I hope your week is off to a great start!
Today I would like to point out Mr. Hash’s Spartan STRONG Choice Board. Mr. Hash started these choice boards with the idea of the importance that we continue to be Spartan STRONG no matter where we are. He has been posting a weekly choice board with different ways to demonstrate Spartan STRONG traits. You can find the choice boards on the district website under the middle school page. Here is a link to this week's choice board - Choice Board Week 4.
Students, you are still able to order a yearbook for this year. The deadline is tomorrow. Go online to ybpay.lifetouch.com and enter the code: 3500020
If you have any questions please email Mrs. Bowers at bowersf@greenvillecsd.org
Please remember that you all are expected to participate in your learning each day. The learning opportunities the teachers are providing you do allow you to work at your own pace and absorb the content.
Remember to keep an eye on completion dates for assignments. If you are struggling with keeping track of your assignments, try making a list of them in order by due dates or enter them into your Google calendar. If you need help with this, please reach out to a teacher, teaching assistant, or myself.
Have a great day!
Mr. Reeve
Morning Message:
In Daniel Defoe's book The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Robinson Crusoe makes a notch on a stick in order to count the days. American author Henry David Thoreau thought we should follow this example, but with a slight twist. He said:
We should mark a notch every day on our characters, as Robinson Crusoe did on his stick.
The root meaning of the word character literally means "to engrave." As we mature and develop our character, we notch into ourselves virtuous qualities such as reliability, fairness, kindness, and honesty.
So today, remember this: Every time you commit a random act of kindness, take responsibility for your actions and treat others with fairness, you are making a notch in your character. And with every notch, you are becoming the best you can be.
With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!
Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®