April 13, 2020
Good morning Greenville Middle School!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Students as I mentioned in my message on Friday, your parents received a letter last Thursday that outlined expectations for the 4th quarter for your learning and how it will be graded. Once again I would like to highlight a few things.
You all are expected to participate in your learning each day. The learning opportunities the teachers are providing you do allow you to work at your own pace and absorb the content. The teachers are aware there may be various home situations and shared technological resources that may impact when you are able to complete your work. I know many of you have communicated questions about schoolwork or problems with technology to your teachers already. Thank you!
During distance learning, we will not be using numerical grades. Instead, you will receive one of three options: Evidence of Learning (COMPLETE), Working Towards (WORKING), and Not Yet Learned (INCOMPLETE). My challenge to all you is for everyone to receive a COMPLETE for all your assignments. In order to meet this challenge, it is important for you to make sure if you have questions to email your teacher, teaching assistant, or me and we will get back to you. Be Spartan STRONG as we all work through this time away together!
Students, you are still able to order a yearbook for this year. The deadline is April 16. Go online to ybpay.lifetouch.com and enter the code: 3500020
If you have any questions about a yearbook please email Mrs. Bowers at bowersf@greenvillecsd.org.
Remember to send in your picture today to support the Spartan STRONG 518 Rainbow collage of students, faculty, and staff. Today is PURPLE! Make sure you email your picture to Ms. Steele steelek@greenvillecsd.org . Please remember that it will be posted on the school’s social media. Today is the last day to complete the RAINBOW!
Congratulations to the following students whose Greenville Green was selected for our weekly PBIS reward.
These students will receive their reward when we are back in school.
Keep up the great work everyone as we have had 248 students receive a Greenville Green over the past 3 weeks for being Spartan Strong!! We are on pace for one of our biggest 4 week periods of Greenville Greens yet!
Have a great day!
Mr. Reeve
Morning Message:
Plato is considered one of the greatest philosophers of Western culture. In 397 b.c., he founded the first university in the history of Europe. It would probably be fair to say that Plato understood a great deal about the importance of education.
Listen to his words to you today:
The direction in which education starts a person will determine his or her future
Today, ask yourself this: In which direction am I headed with my education? Am I studying hard? Am I doing my best? Am I preparing myself for a successful future? Then remember what Plato says. The choices you make today about your education will determine your future.
With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!
Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®