April 7, 2020
Good morning Greenville Middle School!
What a beautiful sunny morning!
In case you didn’t see it on Friday, I wanted to remind you of what the Art Department is doing K-12 this week.
In the spirit of community and collaboration, the Art Department would like to make a Spartan STRONG 518 Rainbow collage of students, faculty, and staff. Starting next Monday, wear a monochromatic outfit (one color) each day, take a picture of yourself and email it to Ms. Steele steelek@greenvillecsd.org. You can also post it to our GCS Facebook page and elementary students can use Seesaw messages.
Monday April 6 - Red
Tuesday April 7- Orange
Wednesday April 8 - Yellow
Thursday April 9 - Green
Friday April 10 - Blue
Monday April 13 - Purple
Please note: These pictures will be displayed on social media.
If you forgot to send a picture yesterday it is still not too late.
Break out your ORANGE for today!
Please continue to look for new emails or announcements from Google Classroom for assignments. If you have any questions please make sure that you email your teacher, teaching assistant or me and we will get back to you.
Have a great day!
Mr. Reeve
Morning Message:
Are you a person who finds it difficult to ask for help when you need it? Sometimes it’s easier to offer to help others, isn’t it? But listen up! When someone else helps you, it benefits them, as well.
In other words:
In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.
When people help one another, even in small ways, they help themselves. Today, look for ways to be helpful and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. When we serve one another, everybody wins!
With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!
Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®