March 27, 2020
Good morning Greenville Middle School!
Happy Friday!
I hope you have had a successful week completing assignments asked of you. Please make sure to check your emails or Google Classroom for dates to help you manage your time in completing your work. If you still have questions please make sure that you email your teacher, teaching assistant or me and we will get back to you. If you know of a classmate who is having trouble with their internet, please have them call the school at 518-966-5070 ext. 451 and someone will call them.
I was listening to a webinar yesterday and the presenter stated something that stuck with me about these interesting times we are facing together. He stated: “We are all learning and we’re all going to get better.”
We definitely have all been learning new things this past week and a half. Please continue to demonstrate your Spartan STRONG traits and we will all be better and stronger when we are back together again.
I miss you all!!
Mr. Reeve
Morning Message:
Most of us know someone who is very generous with his or her smiles. In fact, just thinking of that person may bring a smile to your face. Imagine that. By simply smiling, we can brighten the world around us! We can make a difference.
Now listen to these words from Saint Teresa:
Smile at each other . . . it doesn't matter who it is __ and that will help you grow up in greater love for each other.
The world could use a little more love, don't you think? Today, let's make the world a better place by simply being generous with our smiles.
With something to think about, this is Mr. Reeve reminding you to Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be The Best You Can Be. The choice is yours. Have a great day!
Helping Students Make Wiser Choices Project Wisdom®