transition services

Transition Services Information Night is a time for families to learn about the services available to students with special needs. These services can help plan for complicated life transitions for students with IEP’s and 504’s. Join the Greene County Transition Council on January 15 at 6:00pm in the Greenville High School Cafeteria to learn more. This free event is open to all Greene, Albany, and Ulster County residents. Light refreshments will be served. 

Some of the organizations that will be in attendance include the Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs Program, which offers referral support to families with kids up to 21 and information on social services, insurance coverage, public health services, educational services, early intervention services, and supplemental social security income. The Arc Mid-Hudson New York provides support for people pre-k through adulthood with intellectual and other disabilities and offers information on guardianship and trusts for students with disabilities. The Office of People with Developmental Disabilities provides information on local, non-profit service agencies for people with developmental disabilities.

Please contact Brook Van Fleet (518-966-5070 x321) or Laurie Gallagher (845-331-4300 x41218) with any questions.

transition services information night