cell phones in school

January 22, 2025

Dear GCSD Community: 

We previously shared an agenda for the Community Engagement Session based on the information available to us at the time. Yesterday, the governor proposed more specific guidance that, if approved, would go into effect on August 1, 2025. 

The main points from the proposed guidance are paraphrased below:

  • Each District must adopt a written policy prohibiting the use of personal electronic devices by students during the school day, anywhere on school grounds. (This does not apply to school-owned devices, like Chromebooks and iPads). 

  • The policy must include one or more methods for parents/guardians to contact students during the school day. 

  • The policy must include one or more methods for on-site storage of student devices. This may include student lockers. 

  • Exceptions to the policy must include: the use of personal internet-enabled devices for educational purposes, for management of student healthcare, in the event of an emergency, for translation services, individualized education programs, where required by law, etc. 

  • The policy must be adopted no later than August 1, 2025. 

  • The District must electronically publish a report annually by September 1, beginning in 2026 that outlines the effectiveness of the policy within the District. 

This guidance is still considered a “proposal” until the State budget is voted on and approved, which the state Constitution mandates must happen by April 1. The next step will be for the Senate and the Assembly Fiscal Committees to hold joint public hearings on the proposed budget and allow the public to comment. 

Updated Agenda
Participants will work together in small groups to discuss the use of personal technology devices in school including phones, internet-enabled watches, ipads, etc. Board members will join the groups for discussions. Please be advised, the session format may be adjusted based on turnout. 

Given the information provided in the proposal, the amended agenda is below: 

  • 6:00pm -6:20pm

    • Introduction and review of current practices from the Superintendent and Board of Education President. Updated guidance from the Governer’s office. 

  • 6:20pm - 6:50pm

    • Small Group Discussion Topic #1: How would a personal technology ban work at Greenville? 

      • Where should devices be stored? 

      • What disciplinary measures should be in place for those who do not comply? 

      • How can parents/guardians contact students during the school day? 

      • What supports will teachers need to make this happen? 

  • 6:50pm - 7:20pm

    • Small Group Discussion Topic #2: In the case the proposal is not passed, what would be the best course of action in Greenville?  

      • 1 - Complete ban (devices not allowed during school)

      • 2 - Partial ban (devices allowed during non-instructional time)

      • 3 - Leave as is (up to teacher discretion)

  • 7:25pm-7:30pm

    • Closing

Additionally, I would like to provide further clarification on the format for tonight. This is a community engagement session, where community members are invited to discuss the agenda topics with board members in small groups. This is not an open forum-style session, time is not allotted for large-group shareouts. 

The community engagement session is tonight, Wednesday, January 22, 2025 from  6:00pm-7:30pm in the Middle/High School Library. 

Michael Bennett
Superintendent of Schools

PREVIOUSLY SHARED Agenda - 1.16.25

Participants will work together to discuss the use of personal technology devices in school including phones, internet-enabled watches, ipads, etc. The session agenda is below. 

  • 6:00pm -6:10pm

    • Introduction and review of current practices from the Superintendent and Board of Education President. 

  • 6:10pm - 6:35pm

    • Discussion Topic #1: If personal technology in school were banned completely, how would this work at Greenville? Example: Requirement to put away devices at all times while in school. 

  • 6:35pm - 7:00pm

    • Discussion Topic #2: If personal technology in school were partially banned, how would this work at Greenville? Example: Only permitted during non-instructional times.

  • 7:00pm - 7:25pm

    • Discussion Topic #3: What is the best option to ensure distraction-free learning at Greenville? 

      • 1 - Complete ban

      • 2 - Partial ban 

      • 3 - Leave as is (up to teacher discretion)

  • 7:25pm-7:30pm

    • Closing

This is an opportunity for the community to discuss the aforementioned topics to help the Board of Education understand the public’s perspective on the issue before a decision is made. A recap will be shared online after the session.

Full letter on letterhead.

Initial Notification - 1.15.25

Dear GCSD Community:

Cell phones have become a distraction in schools across the state. During Governor Kathy Hochul’s State of the State address on Tuesday, she shared that one of her initiatives would be to take action to ensure distraction-free learning. Below is what she shared:

“Governor Hochul recognizes that the addictive elements of smartphones and other internet-enabled devices can have detrimental impacts on youth mental health and on learning environments for students and teachers in New York’s schools. In 2024, the Governor engaged in a statewide listening tour and gathered insights on this important issue from a diverse array of parents, students, teachers, school administrators, and other stakeholders. To that end, as part of this year’s Executive Budget, the Governor will put forth a proposal to address the problem of smartphones and other internet- enabled devices in schools and create a new statewide standard for distraction-free learning in NewYork.”

What is the State of the State and the Executive Budget?
The proposals included in the State of the State are the first step in sharing the governor’s vision for New York State in the upcoming year. The Executive Budget, released on January 21, will include additional policies and funding details that bring the vision to life.

What does this mean for Greenville?
In short - we’re not quite sure. Without more information from the State, we don’t know the “standard” of distraction-free learning that will be required. However, our Board of Education would like to start the conversation early to determine what the best course of action will be, if the State leaves the decision up to individual schools.

Community Engagement Session - January 22, 2025
With that being said, we invite you to a Community Engagement Session on cell phones in school on Wednesday, January 22 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in the Middle/High School Library. This will be a community conversation with the Board of Education to discuss the possible courses of action to ensure distraction-free learning. An agenda will be shared on the District website prior to the session, and a recap will be shared online afterward. We will be able to provide more information about the state’s requirements at the session, pending the release of the governor’s Executive Budget on January 21.

Michael Bennett
Superintendent of Schools

Full letter on letterhead.