Our first Capital Project Q&A Session is tonight at 5pm in the MS/HS Library...see you there!
about 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Upcoming Capital Project Q&A Sessions! Join us Monday, October 17th from 5-6pm in the MS/HS Library for a presentation and Q&A session about the upcoming Capital Project vote. Can't make it? We have two more coming up before the vote! November 14th 5:00pm-6:00pm MS/HS Library November 29th 6:00pm-7:00pm ES Large Auditorium CAPITAL PROJECT VOTE December 6, 2022 Capital Project Vote 3:00pm - 9:00pm Scott M. Ellis Elementary School
about 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Registration for JV and Varsity Winter sports is now open - please register on Family ID: https://www.familyid.com/organizations/greenville-csd-athletics. Modified sports registrations will open on October 28th. JV and Varsity Winter Sports will begin on Monday, November 14th, Modified will begin on Monday, November 28th.
about 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
We're hosting a Q&A session for the Proposed Capital Improvement Project! All members of the Greenville community are welcome to join us. Learn about the project scope, the budget, and get answers to questions before you vote on December 6, 2022. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
The Girls Varsity Soccer team won first place at the Kyle Sharpe Memorial Tournament held in Schoharie on Saturday, October 1st & 8th. After a 4-0 win over Galway last weekend, the Lady Spartans defeated Unatego 4-0 in the championship. The team worked well together and was anchored by a tough defense. Scoring in the championship game were Julia Slater with two goals, Anna Motta with one goal and one assist, and Ella Grupe with one goal and one assist. Emersyn Grupe also had an assist. Congratulations, Lady Spartans!
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Here's what's going on this week at Greenville! ⭐Monday, October 10⭐ *NO SCHOOL ⭐Tuesday, October 11⭐ *ES School Picture Day *MS After School Help: Math and ELA *HS After School Help 3-4pm: Math with Mrs. Lunde in Room 228 and Science with Ms. Sharkey, Room 233 *HS Fitness Room Intramural Program 3-4pm *Ping Pong Club in the Cafeteria, 3-4pm *HS Poetry Club in Room 221, 3-4pm Tuesday Sports: *Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Catskill @ 6:30pm (PINK GAME) *JV Girls Volleyball vs. Catskill @ 5:00pm ⭐Wednesday, October 12⭐ *MS After School Help: Math, Science and Social Studies *HS After School Help 3-4pm: Social Studies with Mr. Thela in Room 126 *HS Journalism Club with Mr. Karle in Room 221, 3-4pm Wednesday Sports: *Girls Varsity Tennis Team Sectional Semi-Finals @ 3:00pm ⭐Thursday, October 13⭐ *MS After School Help: Math *MS/HS Book Club, 3-4 pm in the Library *HS Prom Committee Meeting @ 7:50am, Room 227 (Juniors) *HS After School Help 3-4pm: ELA with Mr. Karle in Room 221 *HS Art Club, 3-4pm, Room 145 *HS Fitness Room Intramural Program 3pm-4pm *HS FFA, 3-4pm *HS Computer/Technology Club 3-4 pm in the Library Thursday Sports: *Girls Modified Volleyball vs. Chatham @ 4:15pm *Girls Varsity Soccer PC TMT @ 4:30pm ⭐Friday, October 14⭐ *MS After School Help: Math *HS Fitness Room Intramural Program 3pm-4pm *Winter JV & Varsity Sports Registrations Open on FamilyID Friday Sports: *Girls Modified Soccer vs. Cairo-Durham @ 4:15pm **Please note dates and times are subject to change and/or cancellation. This information is compiled from the following sources: In the event of athletic event changes and cancellations, we will make announcements via a separate post. For a full schedule of home AND away athletic events, as well as the practice schedule, please click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SMNfCps4mEUO7LyeIpJh1mctxrx-EUolDckaE2ObFEU/edit?usp=sharing For details about Middle School events, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Av6S_-_eIKWSj1yNZebrInrMt13eb2eqCMf1dvV1P6E/edit For details about High School events, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRdQuiZnZUp7q2HmU8oSVEKH4XDeXUT8DTj2aaTbqlOiTfZMoWMIcK5gEaeSgSTXErfH58ojKVL8zC3/pub For a calendar of events at Greenville, please click here: https://www.greenvillecsd.org/o/greenville-csd/events
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
This week we honored our Varsity Cross Country Seniors. Read what Coach had to say about them here: https://www.greenville.k12.ny.us/o/athletics/article/865916 For more photos from the day, visit our Google Photo Album here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/o4TXgBYhEaYFDYxV8
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Come out on Tuesday and show your support for the Girls JV and Varsity volleyball teams as they take on Catskill in their Pink Game!
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Greenville Golf. Congratulations to Ryan Arp on his "A" flight championship and Eddie Ross on his "B" flight championship today at the Patroon Conference Medalist golf tournament at Island Green. The Greenville golf team, represented by Ryan Arp, Eddie Ross, Ella Cotter and Devin O'Connor, placed 1st as a team winning the Patroon Conference medalist tournament for Greenville. Spartan STRONG!
over 2 years ago, Denise Wickham
Congratulations to Bryn Fitzmaurice on her Patroon Conference girls tennis singles championship on October 3rd. Jaden Burke and Julia Motts finished in 2nd place in the Patroon Conference doubles championship. Great job Lady Spartans!
over 2 years ago, Denise Wickham
Your Tuesday reminder to work hard & be nice 😊 Students in Ms. Gannon’s class worked together to create this bulletin board on the second floor of the High School.
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
📷Important Notice!📷 Scott M. Ellis Elementary School Picture Day has CHANGED to Tuesday, October 11th. We will send a text message out the night before to remind parents. Thank you for your understanding.
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Notice about Baseball & Softball Fields: The Varsity and JV baseball and softball fields are closed beginning today for work on the drainage project. Construction begins today, and the anticipated completion date is October 31st.
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Here's what's going on this week at Greenville! ⭐Monday, October 3rd⭐ *PTSA Meeting, 6pm Monday Sports: *Girls Varsity Volleyball vs Maple Hill @ 6:30pm *Girls JV Volleyball vs Maple Hill @ 5:00pm ⭐Tuesday, October 4th⭐ *MS After School Help: Math and ELA *Robotics Club, 4:30 - 6pm, Room 226 *HS Picture Day *HS Class of 2026 meeting, 3-3:30pm, Room 247 *HS After School Help: Math with Mrs. Lunde in Room 228, 3-4pm and Science w/Ms. Sharkey, Room 233 *Ping Pong Club in the Cafeteria, 3-4pm *HS Poetry Club in Room 221, 3-4pm Tuesday Sports: *Varsity and Modified Cross Country vs Coxsackie-Athens and Maple Hill @ 4:15pm (Senior Recognition) *Varsity Golf vs. Chatham @ 4:15pm ⭐Wednesday, October 5th⭐ *MS Picture Day *MS After School Help: Math, Science and Social Studies *HS Fitness Room intramural Program 3pm-4pm *HS After School Help: Social Studies with Mr. Thela in Room 126, 3-4pm *HS Journalism Club with Mr. Karle in Room 221, 3-4pm Wednesday Sports: *Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Albany @ 4:15pm ⭐Thursday, October 6th⭐ *PTA Meeting, 6:30 *MS After School Help: Math *MS/HS Book Club (1st Meeting), 3-4 pm in the Library *HS After School Help: ELA with Mr. Karle in Room 221, 3-4pm *HS Art Club, 3-4pm, Room 145 *HS FFA, 3-4pm Thursday Sports: *Modified Volleyball vs Albany Leadership @4:15pm ⭐Friday, October 7th⭐ *End of Q1 *MS After School Help: Math *HS Mental Health Advocates Group (1st meeting), 3-4pm in the Library *HS Fitness Room Intramural Program 3pm-4pm **Please note dates and times are subject to change and/or cancellation. This information is complied from the following sources: In the event of athletic event changes and cancellations, we will make announcements via a separate post. For a full schedule of home AND away athletic events, as well as the practice schedule, please click here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SMNfCps4mEUO7LyeIpJh1mctxrx-EUolDckaE2ObFEU/edit?usp=sharing For details about Middle School events, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Av6S_-_eIKWSj1yNZebrInrMt13eb2eqCMf1dvV1P6E/edit For details about High School events, please click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRdQuiZnZUp7q2HmU8oSVEKH4XDeXUT8DTj2aaTbqlOiTfZMoWMIcK5gEaeSgSTXErfH58ojKVL8zC3/pub
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
​Check out the Greenville Central School District October eNews here: https://5il.co/1is2v​
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
Check out this flyer from Rotary & Interact! Coats will be collected in the main HS Hallway starting on Monday.
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, October 4th is HS Picture Day. All students grades 9-12 will have their picture taken during their social studies classes. Don't forget to wear your smile!
over 2 years ago, Sara Statham
HS Picture Day
Join us for a FASFA Completion Event with the assistance of Laura Decker, Assistant Director of Financial Aid from Columbia-Greene Community College. SPACE IS LIMITED. For more information, please visit: https://www.greenvillecsd.org/o/ghs/page/guidance
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
The 1,000 Book Club Program is back at Scott M. Ellis Elementary School for the 2022-2023 school year! This is a free book program for Pre-K and Kindergarten students. In conjunction with parents and volunteers, our youngest students will have the opportunity to gain essential literacy skills and a love of reading. Families can sign their students up by filling out a registration form. HOW IT WORKS Sign your Pre-K or Kindergarten student up by filling out the registration form. Once registered, students will be given one tote bag filled with 10 books each week. When they finish reading that bag of books, they will return it in exchange for a new bag and continue on to read 1,000 books - 10 books at a time. Bags will be exchanged on Tuesdays each week. This program runs all year, and upon completion, students will receive recognition, a t-shirt, and a certificate. Interested in volunteering on Tuesday mornings? Get in touch, we’re always looking for volunteers! If you have any questions about the program, please email Diane Carl at carld@greenvillecsd.org or Maragret Robertson at robertsonm@greenvillecsd.org. Please include “1,000 Book Program” in the subject of your email.
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola
OPEN HOUSE REMINDERS! ✏️ Elementary School - Thursday, September 29th, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Open House for Grades 1 and 2. The PTA will be hosting a Back to School Fun Night on Thursday from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm on the Ellis playground. Free hot dogs, ice cream, bounce houses, and a rock wall! This is a donation-only event to support the PTA. ✏️ Middle School - Wednesday, September 28. We are running a staggered schedule to allow families to visit multiple grades. 6th Grade Content areas begin at 6:00 pm. Report to Rooms 101-104. At 6:40 pm, you can report to the MS/HS Cafeteria to talk with reading and special area teachers. 7th Grade From 6:00 pm - 6:35 pm, please visit world language, reading, and special area teachers in the MS/HS Cafeteria. Content areas begin at 6:40 pm. Report to Rooms 108, 110, and 112. 8th Grade Anytime from 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm, please visit world language, reading, and special area teachers in the MS/HS Cafeteria. Content areas begin at 7:20 pm. Report to Rooms 201, 203, 206, and 210. Content area teachers (Math, ELA, Social Studies, Science, and Special Education) will present an overview of their classes in large-group settings starting at the designated grade level time. World Language, Reading, and special area teachers (CTE Tech 6 &8, CTE Business, CTE FACS, Agriculture 8, Health, Art, Music, PE, Band, and Chorus) will be available from 6:00 – 7:20 PM in the MS/HS cafeteria. At 5:40, there will be a Title I Parent/Guardian Meeting of children with ELA or Math RTI Labs in Room 8. ✏️ High School - Wednesday, September 28th from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm. We are so excited to welcome you back into the building! Teachers will be stationed around the Cafeteria and will share information about their classes. You will have the opportunity to meet your child's teachers and get an idea of what your child will be learning this year. Please remember, Open House is a way to meet teachers. To have a one-on-one conversation about your student, please schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference with the Guidance Office. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
over 2 years ago, Sierra Pizzola