PPS Team

Brook Van Fleet
Director of Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services

Stephanie Willems
CSE/CPSE Secretary

Lynette Terrell
Central Registrar

518-966-5070 x321
Fax 518-966-6033

School Psychologists
Rachel Finkle, ES ACCESS 
Amanda Agneta ES
Samantha Zimmermann, MS/HS
Jennifer Perella, MS/HS
Dane Carpenter, MS/HS ACCESS 

Speech/Language Department
Faith Smith
Gena Tortora
Jennifer Brown
Christina Ortloff

Social Worker
Carolyn Elacqua

School Counselors
Michelle Fisher
Kendall Fritze
Sydney Hewitt
Ken Landversicht
Jennifer Payne

Occupational Therapists
Samantha Lacy
Lorri Gardner, COTA

Physical Therapist & Assistant
Hyer Physical Therapy

Helpful Links

About PPS

The Office of Pupil Personnel services (PPS) is dedicated and committed to meeting the diverse needs of our students including the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of our students as a total group and especially to those students receiving special education services. Special education is individualized or group instruction, special services or programs, specifically designed for each child. It is the goal of the Greenville Central School District to provide the necessary supports and services to students in the least restrictive environment. In order to meet each student's individual needs and ensure success in their educational program, the Committees on Special Education (CSE) and Preschool Special Education (CPSE) are responsible for recommendations regarding the identification, evaluation, and programming for children who require special education services.

The Director of Pupil Personnel Services also has program responsibilities for the following areas: Office of the Registrar, school nurses, school guidance counselors, psychologists, speech and language therapists, itinerant service providers, ESL program teacher, special education teachers, Committee on Special Education, Committee on Pre-school Special Education, occupational therapists, physical therapist, and interpreters. In addition, PPS department personnel supervise the implementation of the Section 504 process, coordinate District screening programs for new students entering the school system, and have overall responsibilities for the implementation of the Part 200 Regulations of the Commissioner of Education for all students with disabilities.

In order to address the needs of students, each of our schools has an Instructional Support Team (IST). Membership on this team varies with the grade level of the school, however, the following people will be found on one or more of these teams: principal, school nurse, school guidance counselor, remedial reading teacher, school psychologist, special education teacher, social worker, and speech and language therapist. Regular meetings of the IST are scheduled throughout the year by members of these teams in their respective schools.

As the PPS total department personnel are an integral part of the Greenville CSD program to facilitate teaching and learning, they serve to:

  • Assist teachers to identify and understand pupil characteristics that influence learning styles and outcomes;

  • Provide information needed by the faculty and parents in planning appropriate educational options and programs for students;

  • Provide assistance to pupils in adjusting to learning situations, understanding themselves in relation to education, and in planning and preparing for adult living;

  • Assist parents to understand and support the pupil's progress in school;

  • Encourage and assist in the school district's efforts to provide for full development of each child within the total educational program.